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pTOPO001 Simple Cloning Kit (TC601)

pTOPO001 Simple Cloning Kit (TC601)

1) The connection reaction is completed within 5 min.

2) This product is suitable for TA cloning of DNA fragments within 5 kb.

3) Not contain polyclonal restriction sites. 

Cat. No.:
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Product Description

1) The connection reaction is completed within 5 min.

2) This product is suitable for TA cloning of DNA fragments within 5 kb.

3) Not contain polyclonal restriction sites. 


1) Quick connection: the connection reaction is completed within 5 min.

2) Applicable to both long and short fragments: DNA fragments within 5 kb can be connected.

3) Low background: Using the suicide gene zero background technology, the insertion can be seen immediately, and the positive rate is as high as 95%.


      This product is based on the principle that topoisomerase can connect DNA fragments quickly and efficiently, combined with the company's unique production process, a rapid TA cloning kit, which can effectively replace the traditional cloning based on T4 ligase.

      The pTOPO001 Simple Vector contained in the product does not contain polyclonal restriction sites on both sides of the insertion site, which can effectively connect DNA fragments within 5 kb, and uses the zero background technology of suicide gene to solve the problem of false positives caused by vector self-ligation. There is no need for tedious blue and white spot screening operations, and the positive rate is as high as 95%.



Amount(20 rxns)

pTOPO001 Simple Vector (30 ng/μL)

20 μL

Control Template (1000 bp, 30 ng/μL)*

5 μL

10×Topo Buffer

20 μL

*Positive control fragment, used in control experiments to check the quality of the insert.

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Q1Why are there few or no growing clones in the end result?


1) The purity of the ligated fragments is poor. The PCR product is recommended to be purified by gel recovery (Cat. No.: GE706), and the concentration of the gel recovered product can be detected by electrophoresis or instrument before ligation reaction. It is not recommended to recover DNA by passing multiple tubes of samples through one column, which will cause more impurities such as EDTA and guanidine salts to remain and inhibit the reaction. Do not use TE to store the recovered gel product used for the ligation reaction.

2) The amount of ligated fragments is too much or too little. Please strictly follow the dosage recommended in the manual for system preparation.

3) The ligation system was prepared on ice. Low temperature will reduce the Topo enzyme ligation efficiency, and the reaction system needs to be prepared at room temperature. It is recommended to turn immediately, do not put on ice or refrigerator.

4) Improper conversion operation. Please strictly follow the transformation process in this manual or the corresponding competent instructions (pay attention to the heat shock temperature and heat shock time) to carry out the experiment.

5) Competent efficiency is low. The efficiency of self-made competent cells may decrease with the increase of storage time. It is recommended to use fresh competent cells or high-efficiency commercial competent cells as much as possible (Cat. No.: SCC01).

6) The tablet resistance is used incorrectly. The carrier resistance is Amp, and the recommended concentration is 100 ng/mL.


Q2Why do most of the clones in the results contain no inserts?


1) PCR products contain more non-specific amplification products. It is recommended to optimize primers and PCR conditions to improve product specificity; PCR products need to be purified by cutting gel; non-specific small fragments are encapsulated in the target band and are not separated, use low-concentration agarose gel, low-voltage long-term electrophoresis separation; the number of clones to screen for positive clones.

2) Environmental pollution introduces miscellaneous fragments. It is recommended to periodically replace the electrophoresis solution, clean the gel cutting instrument, and use sterilized experimental consumables, etc. Nucleic acid cleaner (Cat. No.: ND709) can be used to clean the experimental environment.

3) Cut the glue at the wrong UV wavelength. It is recommended to cut the gel under long-wavelength (365 nm) UV light (the time should not exceed 5 min), and short-wavelength (254 nm) UV light can easily cause DNA damage.


Q3Why do positive clones show deletions or mutations at both ends of the target fragment after the positive clones are sent for testing?


1) The enzyme products used have low fidelity. It is recommended to replace PCR enzymes with higher fidelity for amplification.

2) Poor quality of primers. Chemically synthesized primers may have a certain base deletion or mutation. It is recommended to clone or re-synthesize primers.

3) The PCR reaction was not extended sufficiently. It is recommended to extend the final extension time.

4) Cut the glue at the wrong UV wavelength. It is recommended to cut the glue under long-wavelength (365 nm) UV, and the cutting time should not exceed 5 min.


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